MVP Impact Fund, LLC
Mayport Village Partners ("MVP") have been identified to make an immediate and positive impact in the Mayport community and the greater Jacksonville area. Our new Fund was formed to raise private equity capital for community development, business expansion, & mixed use real estate investments in the Mayport Village & Atlantic Beach submarkets of Jacksonville, Florida.
The purpose of this Fund is to lead Private Equity Investments into Public / Private Partnerships aligned with the Mayport Waterfront Partnership ("MWP"). For more information, please visit the sites linked below:
Mayport Waterfront Partnership ("MWP"):
The Action Plan:
The MWP was formed in 1997 when the State of Florida designated Mayport Village as one of its first three Waterfronts Florida Communities.
High yields for waterfront property, restrictions on fisherman's hauls, and increasingly high costs of maintaining waterfront infrastructure had already taken their toll by that time. With their new status as a Waterfronts Florida Community and the $10k grant that came with it, there was fresh impetus to preserve the Village and its way of life.
A diverse group of citizens made up of civic leaders, urban planners, architects, educators, and business people formed the Mayport Waterfront Partnership to safeguard what still existed and find an authentic path for revitalization.
The Mayport Village Community (Census Tract 138 - Mayport # 12031013800) is a designated Qualified Opportunity Zone with current total population of 1,637 with 85% in rental households.
The area is home to the Naval Station Mayport complex. Since its commissioning in December 1942, Naval Station Mayport has grown to become the third largest Fleet Concentration Area in the United States. Mayport's operational composition is unique, with a busy harbor capable of accommodating 34 ships and an 8,000-foot runway capable of handling any aircraft in the Department of Defense inventory.